Homemade And Natural Shampoo Recipes

As your scalp adjusts to this new situation, you may notice excess dandruff during the first few days.

Unfortunately, not all beauty products are good for the body. This is because certain chemical compounds can cause damage. Have you ever tried making your own homemade shampoos?

For example, if our skin is very sensitive, beauty products can cause irritation, inflammation, redness, etc.

When it comes to homemade shampoos, you have to be very careful, because the scalp is as delicate, if not more, than the skin of the face. In addition, it is constantly exposed to many harmful agents!

What you need to know about organic homemade shampoos

First of all, we must first remember what the very purpose of shampoo is: to clean our hair and eliminate dandruff, grease, etc.

We can also say that the shampoo should also serve to strengthen the natural qualities of the hair and scalp. However, this does not necessarily happen all the time. Why ? Because the chemical compounds that make up some shampoo do not allow it, quite the contrary!

Have you ever noticed that when you stop shampooing, dandruff comes back? Or as soon as you stop the masks, your hair becomes greasy and dull again?

According to specialists, this may be due to the ingredients that make up the shampoo. In fact, they do not “attack” the problem, but cover it up for a while.

To be able to enjoy healthy hair all year round, there is an excellent solution: create our own cosmetics, such as shampoo! With natural ingredients, we can succeed in making organic products such as homemade shampoos that will neither harm our hair nor our skin.

In addition, you are doing a good deed for the environment, since you do not throw chemicals!

Some tips when washing your hair 

  • You must wash your hair alternately (one day yes, one day no).
  • Do not use too much product, it is better to pour a little in your hand and then spread.
  • Take the opportunity to give your scalp a little massage: do it when you apply the shampoo.
  • Do not use water that is too hot. As soon as you are finished, the last rinse should be done with cold water.

young girl at the bac getting her hair washed

Homemade shampoo recipes

The following homemade shampoos, called natural or organic, are really good for your hair. They will act like very good shampoos while performing their functions, and little by little your hair and skin will become very beautiful and healthy again.

It is important to specify that it must be taken into account that during the first days, there may be certain effects. You may feel itchy or see dandruff appearing, but this is normal, don’t worry.

In fact, it is a process that causes the scalp to “return to its normalcy”. If this continues for more than a fortnight, see a dermatologist, but it should not last.

Orange shampoo and soap 

You need half a liter of infusion of soap, two tablespoons of orange juice and two egg yolks. Beat the egg yolks and then add the other two ingredients.

Bottle this mixture and keep it cool in your fridge. Use it as the usual way to wash your hair. This shampoo will give you silky hair!

Sandalwood shampoo 

The ingredients are 25 grams of dried chamomile flowers, 25 grams of chopped soapwort root, 250 ml of hot water and 20 drops of natural sandalwood oil.

Place the flowers and roots in a bowl and then pour in the hot water. Stir and let sit overnight. The next day, filter this mixture and apply sandalwood oil.

types of homemade shampoos

Lavender shampoo

It is ideal for blonde hair. You need the juice of two lemons, along with two tablespoons of lavender water and two eggs.

Mix all the ingredients and apply it all to your hair, massaging gently. Rinse and repeat the action, and then let sit for about 15 minutes.

Rinse everything well and then apply a conditioner.

Following recipes for making your own homemade shampoos

Rose water shampoo 

This shampoo is made for black or brown hair. Take two tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of rose water and two eggs.

Mix everything and apply by massaging your scalp. Rinse and repeat the action again. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse everything well.

Then apply your conditioner, as this will further improve results!

Rosemary Nettle Shampoo 

This shampoo is ideal for those who suffer from hair loss or loss of vitality. In a stainless steel pan, place two handfuls of soap and add a cup and a half of water.

Bring to the boil and then leave to act for ten more minutes on the heat. Cover everything and let cool. Strain the liquid and place it in a sealable bottle.

Then make an infusion with half a tablespoon of fresh rosemary and a handful of nettle that you will pour into a cup of boiling water.

Then leave to stand for half an hour, filter and also pour this mixture into the bottle with soap. Mix well and apply this mixture to your hair as a rinse or as a shampoo!

young girls washing their hair

Coconut and Egg Shampoo

This shampoo is made for dry hair. The beginning of this recipe is identical to the previous one with the soapwort.

Then you have to melt two tablespoons of coconut oil in a double boiler. Then add it to the mixture, with an egg yolk and 3 drops of cognac. Stir constantly.

To finish, let cool and apply this shampoo on the scalp after having wet your hair. Leave it on for five minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

End of homemade shampoo recipes

Herbal Shampoo: This is another option for dry or damaged hair. Boil 15 grams of fennel root and 15 grams of elderberry or clover in a cup of water for 10 minutes.

Strain this mixture and add half a cup of neutral, grated soap.

Let cool and keep this shampoo in a closed container. Then apply it like a traditional shampoo.

Papaya and aloe vera  shampoo : Peel a large papaya and cut it into several slices. Then put it in the blender.

Add a tablespoon of aloe vera juice, half a cup of children’s shampoo, half a tablespoon of olive oil as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Use this recipe to wash your hair daily!

Photographs courtesy of Dean Wissing, msafari 2425, viviandnguyen and Bev Sykes.

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