How To Cleanse Our Intestines Of Toxic Substances

Fluid consumption is fundamental for our body to eliminate toxins. In addition to promoting bowel movements, the combination of parsley, strawberries and pineapple helps relieve inflammation.

Our intestines are part of the organs that participate in the purification of our body.

They perform an important function. They are in fact responsible for breaking down the food we eat, so that they can be absorbed into the blood.

The intestines are also responsible for removing waste that we do not need.

Like the kidneys and the liver, our lifestyle, environmental pollution and unhealthy diet can overwork our intestines and cause it to malfunction.

They then accumulate a large amount of toxins. In the long term, this can seriously affect our health and cause various disorders such as bad breath, stomach acidity, a feeling of heaviness, difficulty in digesting, diarrhea, gas, even headaches and insomnia. .

5 simple tips for cleaning your bowels

To cleanse the intestines naturally, it is important to take into account a few recommendations. They will indeed allow you to achieve a healthy and effective purification.

  • Increase your water intake.  Cleansing the intestines can cause some dehydration. It is therefore essential to consume more water.
    This will keep you well hydrated. It will also help in the expulsion of toxins and fecal waste accumulated in this organ.
    To increase the effects of the purification, drink lukewarm water to which you have added lemon.
  • Eat a good diet.  It is ideal to follow a healthy diet while doing a colon cleanse. It should include good doses of vegetables and fruit juice.
    You should avoid overeating. This in fact overloads the intestines with work and interferes in the purification process.
    It is recommended to consume soups and broths. This will recharge your body with electrolytes.
  • Take vitamins and supplements.  Cleansing the intestines can cause a temporary loss of vital nutrients. You must therefore compensate for this loss by consuming more natural vitamins and vitamin supplements. Preferably increase your intake of vitamin C. It will indeed help you strengthen your immune system.
  • Consume more probiotics. It is very important to consume probiotic foods while you cleanse your colon, as during this process useful bacteria can be eliminated along with bad bacteria.
    Consuming probiotics can help compensate for this loss and bring good bacteria to your gut.
  • Take detox inhalations.  Another trick that can help you ease the cleansing process of your intestines is to perform herbal and water inhalations, which will help you flush toxins through the skin.
    The ideal is to boil herbs in water, then wrap yourself in a towel to breathe in the vapors for several minutes.

Juice to purify the intestinesour intestines

This powerful juice, ideal for cleaning the intestines and stimulating the elimination of toxins that the body does not need, is prepared with strawberries, pineapple and parsley.

It contains many cleansing and digestive properties, which help fight constipation, reduce intestinal inflammation, fight gas and cleanse the digestive tract.


  • ½ cup chopped strawberries
  • 2 pineapple rings, chopped
  • 1 small branch of chopped parsley
  • 1 cup of spring or mineral water

How to prepare it? 

Place all the ingredients in a blender and turn it on until you get a homogeneous mixture. The ideal is to consume this juice in the morning, and before the main meals.


If you prefer to purify your intestines by consuming herbal teas, we recommend that you do so with artichoke or milk thistle herbal teas.

Both are characterized by great depurative properties, which stimulate the elimination of toxins and fluids accumulated in the body.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has depurative properties that help cleanse the intestines. The ideal is to consume it in the form of natural smoothies or diluted in lemon juice, several times a day.

The seaweeds

Plantain algae (Plantago psyllium) and spirulina algae  have the power to absorb and eliminate toxins that have accumulated in the intestine.

They form a kind of gel which helps lubricate the stool, and which is ideal for combating problems of constipation, irritable bowel, porous intestine, among others.

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