How To Cope With Loss

We are never ready to lose a loved one, which is why our reactions can be unpredictable. We should express our feelings freely, and cry if we feel the need to.

In life, we go through a lot of moments of happiness, doubt, despair, sadness. Unfortunately, we are not ready to face loss without it causing us pain.

It is therefore necessary that we accept to let certain situations happen. Especially those that keep people who are important to our lives away from us.

There are different types of loss, moving from one school to another, separating parents, losing a job, moving away from the people we love. The most difficult to overcome is the loss of a loved one.

Perhaps you have heard of the stages of grieving. They explain the natural process that all human beings go through when a loved one dies.

  • Denial. The person does not believe or accept what is going on.
  • Anger. The person is angry with everything related to the person who has died, the weather and the situation.
  • The negociation. The person begins to understand why things are like this and try to find a solution.
  • The stage of sadness. The person realizes that the loss is irreparable.
  • The Depression. It is the longest and most difficult slack to overcome.
  • Acceptance. The depression subsides and you begin to realize that life goes on despite the loss of this person.

There are cases where these steps are not presented in the order listed.

Time is a good ally in a crisis like this. But we also want to share with you some tips to help you feel better emotionally.

Express your feelings about a loss

Don’t worry if one day you feel angry, the next day you seem to accept the situation, and the next day you feel like crying. Losing a loved one is not something everyone is used to.

Of course, you have to express your feelings freely, whatever they may be. But beware of those expressions of pain that will only lead to psychological and physical harm. The mind has a lot to do with the health of the body.

Make a list of the good things you have in life

Because of the depression you may find yourself in, it is common to feel a sense of emptiness, that only bad things happen to you.

To overcome this, write down daily these important positive things that have happened in your home, your family, at work, with your children, with your friends.

Try, if you have the strength to, apply the saying of the glass half full rather than half empty. You will notice that other things make you happy.

Try not to stay away from your family and friends. They will give you the love you need. They understand very well what you are going through and can help you get better over time.

In the face of loss, don’t condemn yourself to bitterness

Some people go through very heavy mourning for many years, always dressed in black, refusing the opportunity to have fun and share happy moments with others. Do not take example from them.

On the contrary, try to find saving situations in order to avoid relapsing into depression.

Pay attention to your health

In times of depression, we don’t feel like eating, we are not sleepy and we even neglect our appearance. But you have to think that the last thing you need right now is to get sick.

We must therefore eat well and sleep the recommended number of hours. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and tranquilizers unless they are prescribed.

Getting past the death of someone we love can be difficult, but not impossible. Follow our recommendations and remember that the goal is to overcome this death and not be left filled with pain.

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