How To Get Rid Of Bunions Naturally

The development of bunions is often associated with genetic factors, or with repeated wearing of the wrong shoes. Among all the home remedies out there, you can try applying lavender essential oil to your onion for pain relief.

Bunions of the feet are a disease that causes the joint of the big toe to deform. This disease tends to be associated with genetic factors. It is nevertheless possible to naturally eliminate the bunches of the feet.

Often, bunions appear from the age of 30. They almost always appear in both feet. Symptoms include swelling, inflammation, and reddening of the area. There are also pains when walking as well as the formation of calluses around.

If you recognize these symptoms, it is best to  consult a podiatrist to receive the appropriate treatment. Sometimes surgery is even necessary. 

In addition to medical treatment, there are several home remedies that can naturally fight bunions. These remedies will also help relieve the discomfort felt, while fighting their appearance.

In this article, we are going to tell you about the  best home remedies to get rid of bunions naturally. 


Lavender oil is a very popular remedy for removing bunions naturally. Indeed, lavender helps relieve pain and inflammation in the affected area.

You just need to mix dry lavender flowers with olive or almond oil. Then heat everything in a double boiler and finally filter to obtain lavender oil.

The liquid should be stored in an airtight glass vial. It should ideally be applied every evening on the bunion of the foot, by doing gentle massages. 

Epsom salt

One of the most effective remedies for reducing the annoying pain and inflammation of bunions is a salt foot bath.

In a container filled with lukewarm water, first pour two tablespoons of Epsom salt. Soak the feet for 20 minutes.

The street

The rue has multiple benefits for reducing the pain and inflammation typical of rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.

To reduce the pain of the bunions of the feet, it is recommended to make a bath of lukewarm water and with a little rue.  Prepare a kind of infusion then soak the feet in it for 15 minutes.

Lily oil

Lily bulbs contain an oil that is used in different industries for making home remedies that relieve joint pain.

You can buy lily oil or prepare it using a few leaves of this plant. First you need to soak the leaves in brandy for 5 minutes. Then, when the remedy is ready, you need to apply it with gentle massages on the affected area.  

Laurel treatment

cinnamon and bay leaf

Note that bay leaf has multiple properties that help us to naturally eliminate bunions from the feet.
This treatment must however be followed for 2 months, even if the results begin to be seen in the first 10 days of application. 

  • First of all, you need to prepare an infusion of laurel and leave it in a Thermos overnight. The next morning, strain it and sip it in small sips throughout the day. Consume it for three days in a row and take a week-long break.
  • You can also finely grind 5 bay leaves and pour them into 100 ml of 96% alcohol. Let the mixture steep for a week. Then apply it directly to the affected area, preferably after soaking your feet in lukewarm water.
  • Finally, massage your feet and apply this remedy every night. Cover with socks for best results.

Iodine treatments

  • A very popular remedy to get rid of bunions naturally is the  mixture of iodine and aspirin. This remedy is applied directly to the bunions to stop their growth and also relieve pain in the joints.
  • Another option to reap the benefits of iodine is to  mix two equal doses of lemon and iodine,  apply it directly to the affected area, and massage.

Other recommendations for relieving foot bunions

  • Maintain a balanced weight to avoid worsening the situation with being overweight.
  • Increase your intake of  vitamin A and C, calcium and vitamin D, to strengthen bones.
  • Finally, it is very important to use comfortable shoes, sufficiently wide and with flexible material. Shoes that are too tight or too high make foot bunions worse.
  • If bunions are causing you discomfort, it is best to use open-toed shoes that make the foot more comfortable.

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