How To Grow A Pineapple At Home?

How about growing your own pineapples in your garden? Every time you buy a pineapple, you can grow another.

Did you know that you can grow a pineapple in your garden? It might sound strange to you, but every time you buy a pineapple in a store, you have the option of growing another. How? ‘Or’ What ?

Nothing could be easier, you just need to recover its “crown”, this small tuft of fleshy leaves covering this fruit. A classic and simple technique that will allow you to cultivate this wonderful fruit with multiple properties.

Why grow a pineapple at home?

This technique is as simple as it is amazing. From now on, don’t throw away any leftover pineapple you buy. At least, don’t throw away their crowns anymore.

You will only need a jar of water, a flowerpot with soil, and a good dose of patience to watch it grow! It’s a perfect experience for kids, who will love growing a pineapple and watching it grow as the days go by.

And there is more, so why not take advantage of it? Pineapple is one of the healthiest and most beneficial fruits. It contains potassium, folic acid, vitamin C, B1, B6.

In addition, it is depurative, diuretic, eliminates toxins, prevents constipation thanks to its fiber content. Pineapple activates the metabolism and the elimination of fats, facilitates digestion. And it helps eliminate intestinal parasites. Awesome, isn’t it?

You can make delicious pineapple desserts, as well as tasty juices that will help you start the day off right. So you are wondering how to plant this fruit? We will explain it to you!

How to grow a pineapple at home

First of all, you have to choose the right pineapple that will lend itself easily to this gardening experience. It should be healthy, it should not be soft to the touch, and the leaves on its crown should be a vibrant green of health, never brown or dark.

If you have the opportunity to buy organic pineapples, which have not been treated with pesticides or other products, even better. Because you will end up with another equally healthy plant.

Also pay attention that the body does not have small black or gray spots, and that there are no bugs. In short, look for a pineapple that looks good and catches your eye.

First stage

how to grow a pineapple: the crown

The first step is to separate the crown of the leaf from the pineapple. It is better to pull it out with your hands rather than cut it with a knife, because this natural gesture will allow you to get the roots of the plant.

If you cut it with a knife, you will damage the roots, and the cutting may not grow.

grow a pineapple with the head

Excellent! Now we are going to remove the possible remains of pulp from the crown. This part of the pineapple is the area from which new fruit will grow, so it needs to be cleaned well so that the roots manage to emerge. 

It is also necessary to empty the part below to allow the small buttons that already exist inside to come out. Look at the photo above, we have discovered the small roots already present in the pineapple.

Second step

The second step is essential, and consists of placing the crown of the pineapple in the water. Take a jar large enough to contain the rosette of leaves. They should remain submerged in water for at least three weeks to allow the roots to come out little by little.

It is important to change the water every two days, and to keep the plant away from strong heat. It’s simple, isn’t it?

Third step

Our plant has made roots, this is the most important. Now we’ll have to plant it in a flowerpot.

It is important that this pot is large, and made of clay, never plastic. At the base, put chippings in order to obtain an effective drainage, and to prevent the pineapple plant from rotting.

You will also need regular potting soil, the same you normally use. The operation is not complex, and does not require great gardening skills! The potting soil should be slightly moist, but not soaking, or the plant may rot.

Plant the crown of the pineapple normally, and put the pot in a bright place where it receives the sun, but not excessively.

You have to be patient, it takes six to eight weeks for the pineapple to develop stronger roots. After two months, they will be much more consistent. You just need to water it twice a week.

Don’t worry if it sheds leaves, it’s normal, they will grow back. But remember that in winter the plant will stop growing. It will continue to grow when the weather is warmer.

After a year, this wonderful plant will finally give you a new pineapple!

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