How To Lose Weight In A Month With Lemon, Ginger And Chia Seeds?

This ginger, lemon and chia drink can be an ideal supplement in your diet to lose weight and regulate intestinal transit.

Losing weight shouldn’t be sacrificed, something sad or frustrating. We should never stop enjoying food. It is still possible to lose weight in a month.

We must learn to eat in a balanced way and to add, when necessary, certain foods with diuretic and slimming properties, which help to achieve the goal.

In this article, we are going to share with you three natural ingredients that help to remove fat from the body, deflate it, and increase metabolism.

Thanks to them, you will spend more energy and you will lose weight more easily. These are lemon, ginger and chia seeds.

Lose weight the healthy way

We tend to associate weight loss diets with periods of exhaustion, guilt, frustration, irritability etc.

This happens because most diets force us to cut calories and go hungry, as well as give up all kinds of appetizing foods.

However, for a diet to be successful in the short and long term, we must change the way of approaching it and see it as good habits that must be acquired.

You can add these habits to your daily life, so that you can always enjoy a balanced and pleasant diet, as well as sporadic little whims.

To successfully lose weight, it is best to add certain foods with slimming properties to our diet. The goal will be reached more easily, with less effort and without stopping eating.

Foods for Weight Loss

Are there foods for weight loss? Don’t they all contain calories?

Yes, there are and yes, they contain calories, but our body spends much more energy digesting them than those which are supplied.

In addition, they have medicinal properties which help to lose weight more easily and in less time.

The lemon

Lemon is one of those slimming foods par excellence. In fact, it is a fruit with incredible purifying, alkalizing and antioxidant properties. It should therefore not be missing from any diet.

When we want to lose weight, lemon helps us to digest and eliminate fat better, to fight against fluid retention and gives us a feeling of satiety that avoids pecking or snacking between meals.

You can use all the lemon, both the pulp and the peel. It is therefore advisable to buy lemons from organic farming. You can thus be sure of their quality: without pesticides, wax or other chemicals.


lose weight in a month with ginger

This exotic spice, with an astonishingly spicy and refreshing taste, has the virtue of speeding up the metabolism, which is essential for burning more calories.

Many people gain weight more easily because their metabolism is too slow. While it can be improved with exercise and good habits, certain foods like ginger also help us speed it up.

Ginger, moreover, regulates blood glucose levels and allows us to naturally control our appetite.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are an ideal supplement for healthy weight loss and for regulating bowel function, whether we are suffering from constipation or want to maintain a clean colon.

These small seeds help us reduce abdominal swelling by stimulating intestinal transit. In addition, they have many other beneficial properties, thanks to their antioxidant power and their protein and fiber content.

For these effects to appear in our body, we must always soak them in water for several hours before consuming them.

Home remedies for weight loss

Ingredients for a day

  • 1 organic lemon, well washed
  • Spoonful of chia seeds (14 g, 1 spoonful)
  • 1 piece of grated fresh ginger or a spoonful of ground ginger (2.5 g)
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)
  • A little stevia to sweeten (optional)


To prepare this drink, follow the steps below:

  • The night before, put the chia seeds to soak in two glasses of water.
  • The next morning, mix the seeds and water with the lemon juice and ginger.
  • To multiply the beneficial effects, you can grate a little lemon peel, which is richer in nutrients than the pulp.
  • You can add stevia to sweeten the resulting drink.

How to consume it?

Once you have obtained a more or less homogeneous mixture, it’s ready! Do not filter.

Distribute your consumption as follows:

  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, have a drink
  • A drink in the middle of the morning
  • Have another drink in the middle of the afternoon

You can consume it for 15 days, and repeat the intake every three months.

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