How To Make Eczema Disappear Naturally

Take a shower directly after doing physical exercise or activity in the sun that has made you sweat, as sweat can lead to rashes. In addition, stress can also be the cause of these, which is why it is important to control your nerves.

Millions of people suffer from a skin condition called eczema, which presents as red, dry patches that can be itchy and tend to fade when the atmosphere is hot or humid. or when we are exposed to the sun.

It can appear on any part of the body and in summer it gets worse because of chlorine in swimming pools, for example. By reading this article, you will learn more about eczema!

What should you know about eczema?

This is a very common problem, even more than you might think. In industrialized countries, 15 to 30% of children suffer from it and 2 to 10% of adults as well.

Fortunately, in two thirds of cases the problem subsides in a short time. The scientific or medical name for eczema is that of atopic dermatitis and reflects the immunological nature of the disease.

People who live in cities are more affected than those who live in the countryside, and one of the hypotheses raised as to its origin refers to a question of hygiene or exposure to infectious agents.

It is not contagious, and those who suffer from celiac disease (due to gluten intolerance) are at greater risk of this condition.

A link is often made between eczema and itching, but you should not scratch yourself, as the situation can get worse and the skin will be exposed to infections.

Scratching can provide momentary relief but then only makes symptoms worse!

There is no safe treatment for eczema yet, but flare-ups can be stopped and even prevented. You should know that normal skin is an effective barrier against pollution and other elements found in the atmosphere.

In the case of eczema, the damaged dermis is an open door to allergens such as dust mites, pollen, pollution, etc. As a result, the dryness, itching and inflammation appear which is often confused with the symptoms of psoriasis.

Treatment for eczema

Currently, treatment for eczema involves reducing inflammation, lack of moisture, and the growth of bacteria on the affected skin. Doctors prescribe creams to retain water, or moisturizers, which should be used after bathing.

It is not necessary to resort to products that are too expensive to treat eczema, but you must use the right products that are free of side effects, which could result in more severe irritation or redness.

It is always necessary to consult a dermatologist who may possibly prescribe an antihistamine.

Because sweating and sweat can cause eczema flare-ups, it’s a good idea to shower right after exercise or activity in the sun. Stress can also cause reactions on the skin, so your nerves are best calmed.

In some cases, this disease can result from an allergy to certain foods, such as dairy products, nuts or eggs.

 It can also be an allergy to detergents or cleaning products (such as bleach), a reaction to frequent contact with water during the day, or to prolonged exposure to the sun, etc. .


Some tips for relieving eczema symptoms

Consider these tips for treating or relieving problems caused by eczema on the skin:

Avoid contact with detergent when washing dishes

Use even latex gloves to clean the floor; put them also if you wash clothes by hand or if you use bleach to disinfect.

You can also get hypoallergenic detergents and stop using laundry, such as bath towels.

Always go for quick showers rather than extended baths

The skin needs to be hydrated when there is an eczema problem, but hot water can make it worse. Dry the affected area with light patches, do not rub, so as not to worsen its condition.

Avoid all types of scented soaps

In fact, you should also avoid shower gels which can cause allergies. Always use hypoallergenic products, and in moderation; Avoid contacting the affected skin with the shampoo or conditioner.

Keep the skin hydrated and moist

If you don’t, the eczema will not go away. Apply hypoallergenic lotions several times a day. When you go out, take a small bottle or jar of lotion with you.

Control itching with over-the-counter medications or homemade ointments

Do not scratch yourself, as you will only delay the healing process of the affected skin. You could also cause eczema to spread to other parts of the body. Use very rich night creams to promote healing.

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