How To Prepare Green Water To Detoxify Your Body In 3 Days

Thanks to the properties of the ingredients of green water, in addition to helping us detoxify ourselves from heavy metals, it optimizes the immune system and allows us to keep cholesterol levels under control.

Even though we have a healthy lifestyle, our body is inevitably exposed to a wide variety of toxins that can affect its functioning.

Exposure to contaminated environments, consumption of certain foods and chemicals in certain everyday products are only a small part of the toxic agents that can affect health.

If the majority are processed and eliminated by the work of our excretory organs, sometimes they accumulate excessively. So they can end up interfering in important functions.

The problem is that many people ignore it and although the body does send signs, they rarely take the necessary steps to combat it and avoid complications.

As a result, negative reactions are triggered both physically and mentally, and can affect the quality of life.

Fortunately, there are remedies easy to prepare at home which, thanks to their antioxidant and purifying power, promote the elimination of accumulated residues.

Below we would like to give you the recipe for a green water whose properties facilitate detoxification in just 3 days.

Take note !

Green water to detoxify your body in 3 days

Green water for the body.

Green water is a drink made from spirulina and chlorella, two ingredients with antioxidant properties that have become popular for their ability to detoxify the blood and regulate the body’s pH.

They are both of plant origin and contain essential nutrients that help to optimize the detoxification of the body without exposing it to adverse reactions.

Their significant supply of vitamins and minerals provides a protective effect against toxic materials that travel through the blood.

In addition, they facilitate their expulsion thanks to the efficient work of organs such as the liver and kidneys.

What are the benefits of green water?

Benefits of green water.

Although the main purpose of green water is to help cleanse the body, there are other interesting benefits that are worth mentioning when consuming it.

  • It is ideal for stimulating the elimination of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium or lead, among others.
  • Its consumption remineralizes the body, especially when we lose electrolytes due to intense physical activity or episodes of diarrhea.
  • It has digestive properties that are useful in treating problems like constipation or excess acid.
  • Its content of essential vitamins and minerals helps to strengthen the immune system. And to improve its response to infectious agents that try to attack the body.
  • Its high concentration of antioxidants gives it an anti-carcinogenic effect which, although not miraculous, could reduce the risk of development.
  • By facilitating the detoxification of the body, it also promotes the expulsion of harmful lipids. Like bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides.
  • Although it provides few calories, its ingredients have an interesting energy value. Which we can take advantage of to have a better performance throughout the day.
  • Its antioxidant properties protect brain tissue and help to have better concentration.
  • It helps prevent premature aging of the skin and internal organs.

How to prepare green water to detoxify your body in 3 days?

Preparation of green water.

Green water detox is a healthy habit that allows you to free your body from all that toxic load that it is acquiring day in and day out.

This is a three-day program in which you should eat as healthy as possible. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables and eliminate processed foods.

You can do this once every two months, or whenever you feel your body is overloaded with toxins.


  • 6 cups of water (1.5 liters)
  • 1 tablespoon of spirulina powder (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay (10 g)
  • A tablespoon of powdered chlorella (10 g)
  • 2 drops of clove essential oil (optional)


  • Place the cups of water in a large jug and add the other ingredients.
  • Mix by hand with a wooden or silicone utensil. And, when everything is well mixed, let stand for 15 to 20 minutes before starting to consume.

Consumption method

  • Serve the drink in a glass and consume it on an empty stomach.
  • What remains, divide it into 4 or 5 intakes throughout the day.
  • Repeat the treatment for 3 days in a row.

Ready to prepare this water at home? If you are looking for an effective and fast detox method, then prepare this green water. And see for yourself all its benefits.

At the end of the treatment you will feel your body lighter and healthier.

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