How To Treat Excessively Heavy Periods Naturally?

The great advantage of natural treatments is that they are not harmful to the body. If they have side effects, these are minimal.

Menstrual disturbances are common in many women who suffer from pain, changes in periodicity, delays or too heavy periods.

If you fall into this category, we offer a natural treatment below to help you.

How do I know if I have a heavy period?

Heavy periods , also known as menorrhagia, are periods when a woman loses more than 80 ml. of blood. However, for most of us, it is difficult to get an exact idea of ​​the amount of this data.

One way to measure this amount is to use a menstrual cup;  an ecological, natural and very economical method. It is an alternative to products made from synthetic fibers such as sanitary napkins and tampons.

The menstrual cup is plastic and allows us to see how many glasses we fill in each cycle. This way we can check if we are having too much periods or not.

The too heavy periods last more than 8 or 10 days in terms of temporality, or else, they force us to use more than 8 sanitary napkins per day; they can be long, intense, or both.

It is also considered that too heavy periods are those whose quantity makes it difficult for the person to follow their daily routine. It may mean that you are suffering from amenorrhea.

Is it serious?

pain fatigue menstruation

The menstrual period is different in every woman, so it is important that we learn to know how our body works. There are long, short, heavy, or infrequent periods.

Although it is true that in some cycles we have more or less abundance of flow, as a rule, it is easy to know our cycles and to detect irregularities.

When the irregularities are constant or exceed normal values, or are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or inflammation, it is advisable to go to the gynecologist.

Heavy periods are not likely to be a serious complication, although they tend to cause anemia due to iron loss, fatigue, and other discomforts.

If the medical specialist has ruled out any pathology, you can try this natural treatment to improve your quality of life.

Natural treatment

Thanks to the natural treatments below, you will be able to treat and regularize excessively heavy periods gradually.

Medicinal plants

Medicinal plants allow us to make infusions that can be taken throughout the day, throughout the month or week before the onset of menstruation.

It is possible to combine or alternate them to observe the effects they produce on our body. This will help us to know all their properties and to choose those that can help us the most:

  • Aquileia or millefeuille. It calms irritability, anxiety and reduces bleeding.
  • Salvia (Sage of diviners). One of the best herbal remedies for female disorders.
  • Calendula (Medicinal marigold). Calendula flower contains many healthy properties among which the hormonal regulator stands out.
  • Angelica of China or dong quai. It reduces pain and balances cramps and menstrual colic.
  • Nettle. Nettle is very beneficial for the skin and hair, it eliminates toxins, fights anemia and reduces excessive periods.
  • Gentian. Ideal for heavy periods, it is a very cleansing plant.
  • Horsetail (Horsetail). Reduces menstrual bleeding and fights water retention.

Vegetal oils

The oils of vegetable origin extracted from the first cold pressing rich in essential fatty acids very beneficial for women’s health. To balance the menstrual cycle, we recommend the following:

  • Evening primrose oil. This oil is an excellent hormonal regulator rich in essential omega 6 fatty acids. It is also very beneficial for the skin and has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Borage oil. This oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hormonal regulating effects.

Trace elements

Trace elements are mineral elements present in our body in very small quantities but which  perform essential functions for our health.

Taking them in the same way, trace elements have very positive effects without side effects.

The trace element manganese is very beneficial for frequent and heavy periods. You can take it periodically and take breaks from time to time.

Bach flowers

Bach flowers

Bach flowers are floral essences that help us to treat physical and emotional disorders in an integral way, get us back in shape and, therefore, which have  no risk to health.

In menstrual irregularities, the flower of walnut (walnut) can be very useful because it  facilitates adaptation to cycles, as well as to emotional or lifestyle changes.

Pour 4 drops under the tongue 4 times a day for at least three weeks.

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