Is It Healthier To Eat Ripe Bananas?

Depending on the benefits we want to obtain, we should consume green or more ripe bananas. Ripe bananas are 8 times more effective in strengthening the immune system.

The banana is a very popular fruit all over the world. Because, in addition to being delicious, it is inexpensive and it is very good for the health. In addition, researchers have found that  ripe bananas are 8 times more effective at boosting the immune system than green bananas.

But many people have eliminated it from their diet. Because they believe the urban legend that bananas make you fat. However,  it has been proven that, on the contrary, the moderate consumption of bananas brings a whole series of benefits. Even for people who want to follow a balanced diet or a slimming diet.

What are the properties of bananas?

Bananas are rich in carbohydrates. Which makes it one of the greatest sources of plant energy for our body. Its high sugar content is offset by its low fat content. As well as by the many fibers in which it is full that help regulate the absorption of sugars.

This fruit is characterized by the feeling of satiety it provides, and above all by its significant potassium contribution. Potassium stimulates the elimination of fluids retained in the body. It is also essential in the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, gout and rheumatic diseases.

eating ripe bananas is good for you

100 grams of bananas are equivalent to 90 calories. Which puts them in the category of the most calorie-dense fruits we can eat. However, eating them in a moderate way is an ideal solution to enjoy its benefits. And to maintain a balanced weight without its consumption posing a problem.

Their delicious and sweet flavor is accompanied by a large amount of vitamins. It contains vitamin C which helps strengthen the immune system. And also vitamin B-6 which allows our body to create new cells.

Benefits of bananas:

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Prevents muscle cramps
  • Ideal for fighting depression
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels
  • Excellent for skin and hair
  • And finally, stimulates digestion.

We could give you an endless list of reasons to include bananas in your diet. 

However, we often wonder  what is the healthiest way to eat them, green bananas or ripe bananas?

Prefer ripe or green bananas depending on your needs

The ideal degree of ripeness for bananas depends on individual tastes. There are some who prefer them rather green, and others very ripe. But beyond taste,  it’s important to know that the nutritional value of bananas varies as they ripen.

We all know that the more ripe the bananas, the sweeter they taste. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the enzymes contained in this fruit turn into starch. The more the fruit ripens, the more the starch turns into sucrose, glucose and fructose.

It is precisely when the starch turns into simple sugar that the banana ripens. And then it becomes easier to digest. However, various studies have shown that as they ripen bananas lose some of their vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, a recent study has shown that when bananas ripen, they produce several antioxidants and develop anti-carcinogenic properties that can benefit our body in many ways.

Completely yellow bananas with black spots produce a substance called TNF (tumor necrosis factor). It has the ability to fight malignant tumors.

healthy ripe bananas

Ripe bananas boost the immune system

This study concludes that the more ripe the bananas, the more effective they are in fighting cancer.

In addition, researchers have found that  ripe bananas are 8 times more effective in boosting the immune system than green bananas.

Thus, for the majority of people, it is recommended to consume bananas when they are very ripe. Especially when they are yellow with spots on their skin.

However, people who have diabetes, who are at risk of developing this disease, or simply want to avoid a rapid rise in blood sugar levels,  can eat bananas, but green.

When is it best to avoid eating bananas?

Experts advise people who suffer from kidney or liver failure to eliminate this fruit from their diet. It is best to consult a doctor before consuming it.

For your information

  • Thanks to their delicious flavor, bananas can be incorporated into different recipes. However, it is best to eat them raw to get 100% of their benefits.
  • You should avoid keeping your bananas in the refrigerator. Because they lose their flavor and most of their properties.
  • Once peeled, they should be eaten immediately, as they are easily damaged.

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