Oatmeal And Apple Milkshake For A Healthy Heart

In addition to being good for you, oats and apple are ingredients that combine and cook in many ways to allow us to appreciate its many properties.

From now on, you will add two “healthy” foods to your shopping list: oats and green apples. Without exaggerating, these two foods can save your life. So, are you curious to know the benefits that these two allies of the heart bring you? So read us, you won’t be disappointed!

Did you know that a healthy heart is one of the pillars of a healthy life  and that it relates to all the systems of our body? This organ is the engine that makes our body work. However, our diet is one of the habits that has the most influence on the good or bad health of our heart.

Of course, the foods we eat every day have a direct impact on the proper functioning of our heart, especially in adulthood. Therefore, to support heart health, include foods with “good fats” in your daily menus. They will help you get rid of bad cholesterol (LDL) and act on triglycerides that you don’t need.

In addition, it is recommended to avoid junk food, fried or high in sugar and salt. Foods like oily fish, dried fruits, grains, and fruits are great for starting a healthy diet. They will help us prevent the onset of chronic diseases.

Oats and green apples: good foods for the heart

oats and apples for good heart health

If you want to initiate a change in your life, you can gradually include oats and apples in your daily diet. These foods help keep your heart working well. They oxygenate the body and provide essential nutrients to all of your organs.

Oats, for example, are high in beta-glucan. It is therefore an excellent food for controlling the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. In addition, it provides the body with fatty acids, called omega-3, and “good fats”. Finally, it is a food rich in fiber, which makes oats an ideal way to absorb and eliminate toxins from your body.

For its part, the apple is not just a delicious fruit. It is a great ally for lowering your body mass index, taking care of your teeth and providing fiber and energy to your body. Green apples are therefore particularly good for health, and rich in potassium. Moreover, its consumption helps us to maintain our heartbeats at a regular rate.

Finally, both green apple and oats will help improve your heart health. Indeed, their sodium intake is low and they attack bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, these foods both make you feel full.

How to consume oats and green apples on a daily basis?

Thanks to its many benefits, the oatmeal and green apple milkshake improves the health of your heart and stabilizes your weight. Plus, it’s delicious! Get to work for your greatest pleasure.


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 green apple
  • 3 tablespoons of oatmeal (45 g)
  • Ice cream (according to your taste)
  • Optional: lemon juice or cinnamon powder


oats and apple for a healthy heart

  • To prepare this milkshake, first soak the oats in a glass of water overnight.
  • In the morning, wash an apple and cut it into small pieces.
  • In the bowl of your blender, place the oats, the water in which the oatmeal has soaked, as well as the apple pieces. Blend until you get a smooth and thick texture, ideal for your breakfast.
  • If you want a more assertive flavor, you are free to add a little cinnamon or a few drops of lemon juice. For a thicker consistency, add ice to your liking.

While the possibilities are endless for adding oats and apples to your daily meals, here are some other ideas. You can also make oatmeal or pancakes. Thus, you integrate these two foods into your diet in a delicious and original way.

The important thing when preparing a new dish is creativity. There are many ways to eat oats and green apples on a daily basis without ever getting bored. Let your imagination be free !

Excess cholesterol and triglycerides in the body, overweight, lack of nutrients… These are the signs of a poor diet. This can directly affect our circulatory system and cause a buildup of fat in the arteries, heart attacks and other health problems.

By including foods like oats and green apples in your daily diet, you are ensuring iron health. In addition, do not forget to practice regular physical activity and avoid stressful situations. Thus, your body will benefit from your efforts: you will ensure the proper functioning of your heart and your whole organism.

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