Organizing An Express Wedding: What You Need To Know

The best solution would be to be able to count on the services of a specialized wedding planner. However, if this is not the case, nothing is impossible with a clear mind and good organization.

Organizing a wedding is difficult. Too many things, too many details, too much stress … And if in addition, it is an express wedding, how to organize it in a minimum of time? Below we explain how to achieve this without losing your mind.

Express wedding

If you have decided to take the quick step and celebrate your wedding now, you are sure to have your nerves on edge and you are stressed about the idea of ​​organizing it in a minimum of time.

Don’t get overwhelmed. Indeed, your nerves may be your biggest enemy. If you organize yourself well and calmly, everything can go very well. Take note of our advice.

First of all, the place and the date

There can be many reasons why a couple decides to get married as soon as possible. Maybe they will move to another country, the arrival of a baby … Either way, always keep in mind that, although you want to do it quickly, the bureaucracy is slow.

For example, in Spain, weddings, both civil and religious, generally take a long time to be performed once they have been requested, especially in large cities. That is why, it is essential that the first thing that you decide is where the wedding is going to take place and therefore, depending on the date given to you, you can start planning it as soon as possible.

Do not delay in warning the guests

Once you have a date and time, the next step is to list the invitees and notify them of the event. If this is difficult for you and your partner, it is also difficult for them. They will have to check their agendas, make changes, organize themselves to be ready for the event, etc.

Therefore, the sooner you tell them, the better. Also, more guests will be able to come if you let them know in advance. Don’t do it at the last moment!

Hire a wedding planner for your express wedding

If you have no idea and little time for the preparations, your best bet is to use the services of a professional, a wedding planner. He will undoubtedly be able to help and relieve you.

A wedding planner knows how to organize an event of this type and has in his archives a selection of places for banquets, photographers, ideas, prices, etc. Therefore, you will save precious time by having to do your own research and market research.

The banquet of an express wedding

The goal is to limit the list of things to do. That is why, for an express wedding, it is better that you decide to celebrate the banquet in a place that includes everything : music, decoration, etc. This way you can focus on other topics.

So, don’t hesitate to choose a location for your express wedding that can organize everything in minimum time and narrow down the to-do list for you.

The costumes

Obviously, you won’t have a lot of time to go shopping for a dress or a suit. For this reason, it is best to go to a wedding dress and costume store that has a large selection. That way, you might be lucky enough to find yours in just one visit.

Also, you have to keep in mind that if the costumes need touching up, they can be ready in about 20 days or so. That is why it is better to go to a specialized store and start looking so that you can make a decision as soon as possible.

In addition, you should be aware that if there are any bridesmaids, choosing their dresses can also be slow. That is why it is better to choose the same pattern for everyone, that is, they all wear the same design. It will save you a lot of time.

The details

If you don’t have a wedding planner , it’s best to take care of the other wedding details as soon as possible : rings, photos, stylists, etc.

For this, you can always count on the help of friends who have already had to organize a wedding. They will certainly be able to offer you contacts and advice with proven experience and their personal opinion.

Stay calm to plan an express wedding

A normal wedding planned well in advance already generates stress. In the case of an express marriage, it makes sense that it is multiplied. However, losing your nerves or getting angry about something unexpected will never help. On the contrary, we will waste time getting angry when we should invest it in the rest of the planning.

Therefore, take things calmly. Accept that there are unforeseen events and that it is unlikely that everything will turn out exactly as you planned. However and above all, think that it is about enjoying your marriage, with its imperfections and successes, and not a race against time that will wear you out until the big day.

The honeymoon

The honeymoon can be a separate chapter in terms of organization. Therefore, if you want to have more time, it is not necessary to plan it now, you may decide to travel at another time in the future.

In any case, you need to know if you want a honeymoon abroad or in the country where you live. So if you want to cross the borders, you will need to make sure your passports are valid first, otherwise you can also decide on a domestic destination.

In any case, you can always postpone the trip and do it later, to go where you really want.

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