Rash: Natural Treatments

Topical herbal teas are a very effective remedy for relieving symptoms of rash. You can choose between chamomile, calendula or thyme. They effectively relieve rashes and calm itching.

Rash is an inflamed condition of the skin that develops raised patches and produces an itchy or burning sensation.

They are not contagious and usually appear during the summer or hot months.

Combined with fat, bacteria, dust or dry skin, the result is a thick substance that clogs the sweat glands. The medical term is “mileage”.

Symptoms and causes of the rash

The rash can appear in anyone and at any age, mostly in the neck, waistband, chest, back, and genitals.

It is red in color and if you scratch strongly blisters or pustules can form.

When the skin is affected by this kind of rash, it is very itchy and so can cause irritability or worry.

This condition usually goes away after 5-7 days, but other rashes may appear.

Factors that can trigger the rash are:

  • Excessive exposure to sunlight (UVA and UVB)
  • Excess sweating
  • Wearing too many clothes
  • Lack of hygiene
  • The use of synthetic clothing
  • Food poisoning

several factors can cause a rash.

  • Acidity of the stomach
  • The stress
  • Side effects of certain medications
  • Consumption of fatty food or at any time
  • To smoke
  • To drink alcohol
  • Irritating accessories (chains, earrings, bracelets, etc.)
  • The humid and hot climate

Natural remedies for rashes

Take a bath

Take a bath in which you have added two tablespoons of baking soda or oats.

Then submerge the affected area for about an hour. These two elements work directly on the skin and relieve the symptoms of the rash, such as itching or inflammation.

Oatmeal compresses

Boil a handful of oatmeal with a little water until it forms a sort of paste. Wait for it to cool, then spread it out on a clean cloth or gauze.

Apply like a compress to the affected area.

The watermelon

Put the skin of a watermelon in the refrigerator, rub gently on the rash to relieve the redness, heat and itching.

Chamomile infusion

Make a chamomile infusion, then soak a cotton ball once it has cooled slightly.

The aloe vera

Apply the pulp of a  cut aloe vera branch directly to the rash , to relieve redness and prevent dryness of the skin.

Aloe vera will help you get rid of a rash and fight dry skin.

Corn starch

Mix corn starch with water to form a paste. Gently apply to the affected area and leave on until completely dry.

Then remove with a towel soaked in cold water, cleaning without rubbing.

Mallow leaves

Mix a few mallow leaves with the butter until you get a paste.

Apply to sterile gauze and put it on the rash area. Let sit for a few minutes to relieve the itchiness and soften the skin.

The celery

Boil two stalks of celery in half a liter of water for 10 minutes.

Filter and soak gauze or cotton cloths that you will then apply by gentle pressure to the area of ​​the rash. Hold with a bandage or adhesive plaster and leave on overnight.

Cold compresses

Apply cold compresses with ice cubes directly to the rash for instant heat and itchy skin relief.

We also recommend a very cold bath (the maximum that we can withstand).

Alcohol compresses

Soak sterile gauzes with a mixture of 3/4 boiling water and 1/4 alcohol. This serves to heal faster and prevent infection.

Itchy skin can be treated with different remedies.

Herbal compresses

Mix two tablespoons of powdered sandalwood with two tablespoons of powdered cilantro. Then add two tablespoons of rose water.

You must obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply it all over the affected area and let it dry then wash off with cold water.

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Green clay

Make a paste with green clay and water and apply to the rashes to reduce redness and itching.

The banana

Wash and crush some plantain (or banana) peels and apply to the rash. Wrap the area with a cloth and hold it firmly with a bandage.

Leave on for at least two hours for the allantoin in this fruit to release its anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.

Witch hazel water

Apply a few drops of witch hazel water extract to the rash. You can also soak a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area.

Be aware that this home remedy calms itching, dries up rashes, and treats blisters with pus.

The cucumber

Finely chop a cucumber and mix it. Mix until you get a paste and apply it to the skin. Wrap with a cloth and let sit for a whole day.

This vegetable is an excellent anti-inflammatory.


Make an infusion with a few amaranth seeds, let cool, soak a cotton ball and apply it to the rashes, as if it were a compress.

Repeat the gesture several times a day (at least three times, morning, noon and evening).

Calendula infusion

Make an infusion of calendula which is an excellent remedy for dermatitis, burns, eczema, rashes and hives.

How to remove spots on the skin.

Onion poultice

Apply a poultice with an onion mixed and macerated with a drizzle of apple cider vinegar.

You can also let the bulb of this vegetable infuse overnight in water and soak a cotton ball with the liquid obtained. Onion has excellent calming and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dandelion decoction

Make a decoction of the roots and leaves (half a teaspoon of each) of the dandelion, bring to the boil and let stand for a few minutes.

Dandelion is indicated for the treatment of many skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, and rashes.

Thyme infusion

Prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of dry or fresh thyme per half liter of water. Apply to the affected area to minimize the frequent symptoms of rashes.

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