Restoring Hormonal Balance To Burn Fat

Since hormonal imbalances can be the cause of weight gain, depending on which area of ​​our body we want to slim down, we need to follow a treatment to rebalance each hormone.

Hormonal balance and weight – or accumulated fat – are closely related. Some people can diet drastically and work out intensely in the gym without losing an ounce or an inch in their waistline.

Find out in this article, how to restore your hormonal balance and burn fat, in specific parts of your body. Do not suffer from overweight anymore!

Hormones are not the only direct responsible for your weight, the metabolism is too.

That is to say, it is the place where fat accumulates, where cravings and hunger are born. Faced with a hormonal imbalance, your efforts to lose weight will be in vain.

You may find that quitting fast food and going for a run for half an hour a day is enough to make you lose weight.

Still, you can’t do it. Keep in mind that if the hormonal balance is not respected, you will not be able to achieve the body that you dream of.

Hormonal balance in the dock

It is always helpful to have some basic knowledge of how hormones work. You have certainly heard of it before.

These are biochemicals produced by the body to function like an orchestra.

They are essential for obtaining energy, for combating stress and maintaining muscle mass, but also for accumulating fat.

This is why, for example, many women experience certain periods in their life when they just eat. This is particularly the case when they are pregnant.

Hormonal balance not only helps you lose weight, but also makes you happier and more vibrant.

Poor hormonal balance can be responsible for storing fat in the belly.

The first step is to detoxify the body, and eliminate everything that harms it and fills it with toxins.

Foods that contain the most harmful ingredients are the most addicting. This is why you will want to eat a packet of crisps more than an apple.

Start by giving up these bad habits already. It can be difficult at first, but it takes at least three weeks of effort before you start to feel the need.

The results will be spectacular. How a diet works is inextricably linked to how you intoxicate or detoxify your body.

Foods recommended and not recommended for hormonal balance

Stay away from anything high in carbohydrates. It is these foods that are the source of whims and other sudden cravings for food.

Stop consuming (or sharply reduce your consumption) carbohydrates and refined sugars (bread, rice, pasta, pastry, anything white and sweet) as well as processed foods, which contain a lot of preservatives and ‘additives.

On the other hand, there are some great foods to help you lose weight, but also to feel much healthier.

Those that are low in carbohydrates allow you to maintain a certain hormonal balance, which has a positive impact throughout your body and is seen in particular on your skin.

Foods with a good amount of fiber:

  • bananas,
  • raisins
  • artichokes
  • oats
  • nuts
  • beans

They will help you improve your digestive system. Remember to drink two liters of water a day (or even three in summer) to boost your metabolism and give it the fluid it needs to flush out toxins through urine and sweat.

Foods to lose weight in certain areas of the body

It is true that some parts of the body are more difficult to melt than others. It all depends on the affected person, their lifestyle, but also their hormonal balance.

For example, someone who produces a lot of estrogen (female) hormones will have more developed hips and thighs. For each area of ​​the body, it is a question of balancing a specific hormone:

The belly

If you have a swollen belly, it’s not just because you are eating too much, or not evacuating enough.

Fat accumulated in the stomach can also be caused by the hormone cortisol (also known as the stress hormone ).

For this reason, employees who spend long hours under pressure at their jobs tend to accumulate fat in this area.

One of the natural remedies to naturally reduce the fat present in this area is to consume basil. It is an herb native to India that reduces cortisol levels.

Consuming spinach, citrus fruits, barley, beans and nuts can also be a good alternative.

The back

Do you accumulate a lot of fat in the back, and in the upper part of the trunk (this is not something common, but it can happen)?

This indicates that your insulin levels are high. Foods that reduce such levels are those that have linoleic acid. For example, yogurt, lean meat, whole grains and green vegetables.


Although it is certain that they like to have plump buttocks, but without exaggeration, women are obsessed with them.

If you accumulate a lot of fat in this area, it is due, as we have already said, to high estrogen production.

To counteract such effects, consume vegetables that belong to the cruciferous group. For example, cauliflower and broccoli.

They are rich in phytochemicals which neutralize the hormone responsible for the accumulation of fat in your buttocks.

Flax, chia, and sesame seeds, as well as red grapes and pomegranates can also help.

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