Shingles: What Is It? How Does It Manifest Itself?

Here are the symptoms to recognize this condition. It is important to know them, because early treatment can speed recovery.

Shingles, which is a very painful rash, is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox.

Shingles occurs when a virus that affects nerve cells reactivates over time and causes a rash or blooms.

Here’s what happens: After you have had chickenpox, the zoster virus remains in the nervous tissues of the body. In reality, it never disappears, it is simply in a latent state.

But the problem comes from the fact that it can reactivate later, and it is at this precise moment that the shingles will manifest itself!

It is thought that the reason why the varicella zoster virus reactivates has to do with the progressive weakening of the immune system, when one had chickenpox in childhood.

What happens when the virus reactivates?

The moment it reactivates, the virus begins to spread through the nerves and it is precisely this circumstance that usually causes unpleasant tingling and irritation to the affected areas.

At this point, the virus circulates throughout the nervous system and within two or three days it reaches the skin.

The instant the virus enters the epidermis, there is an eruption of vesicles grouped together and arranged in the path of the affected nerve. The skin then becomes extremely sensitive and painful.

Can you develop shingles?

If you have had chickenpox in the past, there is a risk that shingles will appear when the virus reactivates.

However, the virus reactivates more frequently in people with weakened immune systems or in those over the age of 50.

The risk becomes greater as we age. Shingles can also develop more easily in patients who are taking anti-cancer treatment or who are HIV-positive.

In the latter, it is even probable that it is one of the first symptoms which warn of a deficiency of the immunological system.

Shingles: what are the symptoms?

The area, its symptoms.

1. The first symptom is usually severe pain that occurs on one side of the body only, with tingling and irritation. The irritation or pain may intensify and is in most cases a warning sign of the rash that is about to occur.

2. A second symptom that may appear is the formation of skin lesions which are followed by the appearance of small blisters.

Other possible symptoms:

  1. Fever with chills
  2. Genital ulcers
  3. Joint pain
  4. Discomforts
  5. Abdominal pain
  6. Headache
  7. Inflammation of the lymph nodes

If the virus affects a facial nerve:

  1. Vision disturbances
  2. The eye can become paralyzed
  3. Loss of taste
  4. Lowering the eyelid
  5. Difficulty moving the muscles of the face

And also

It can cause fatigue, moderate fever, and mild muscle pain.

Can shingles cure?

Sure, shingles heals. It is necessary to see a doctor so that he can make a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment to fight the virus.

Antiviral drugs are usually used to relieve pain and prevent possible complications. They also make it possible to limit the duration of the disease.

Medicines can be taken 24 hours after the first symptoms, such as pain and irritation, appear. To be cured, it is better to take the drugs before the blisters appear.

On the other hand, and in the perspective of a quick recovery, we recommend that you stay in bed until the fever subsides.

Wash non-disposable items in boiling water; keep your skin clean and do not reuse contaminated items!


The virus can remain dormant for two or three weeks and then reappear unexpectedly.

It is important that you get plenty of rest and get a diagnosis because in the most severe cases or when the virus affects the motor nerves, you may not only suffer from great fatigue, but also momentary paralysis or permed.

In addition, the pain may be mild, but it could intensify or become unbearable! So remember to take good care of yourself and rest.

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