Sometimes I Cry Not Out Of Fragility But Because I’m Tired Of Being So Strong

Sometimes we should give ourselves a medal, when we manage to relieve ourselves and connect with our me deep. This does not imply fragility but a real knowledge of our limits and our capacities.

Sometimes we are tired, we have no more strength and we just let ourselves be carried away. Crying doesn’t mean surrender, let alone a sign of frailty. 

Sometimes we have no other solution but to resort to this relief nor necessary because we are tired of being so strong. Life demands too much, and those around us are not always aware of how much we are giving without receiving anything in return.

Don’t carry the weight of the world on your back. Only keep what is really essential for you. And don’t forget that your heart always needs a special space for yourself.

If you need to cry, do it because only the strongest people can afford it.

We can’t be on top every day

You may have been educated with the idea that tears should be held back. That life is hard and therefore that there is no point in crying. In the long run, this idea can generate big emotional problems.

  • Sometimes “not crying” means not showing your fragility. And to hide behind false appearances which affirm that one is well.
  • If you start to hide your true feelings, you will not only hide your emotions from the world. But you will also hide them from yourself.
  • Hidden emotions are problems that we do not face. An unmanaged problem is an emotion that ends up being somatized. And then it turns into headaches, migraines, fatigue, muscle tension, nausea, digestive problems, etc.

You can’t be strong every day. No one can hide their fragility or sadness throughout their life, because it is neither healthy nor hygienic.

You need to give yourself that moment of relief when tears act as genuine stress, nervousness and emotional releasers.

  • Crying cleanses.
  • Tears are a relief that enables the first step of change. It means taking responsibility for your fragility and freeing your emotions.
  • After the tears, calm comes. We feel more relaxed to see reality in the face and finally to make thoughtful decisions.

The need to be strong when life asks too much of us

No one other than you knows what it has taken you to get here. 

You have to be strong in the face of a company that does not help you in terms of social and professional possibilities.

You have to show strength in a family that is not always easy to guide, facing parents, siblings or a spouse who sometimes tend to think of them first, disregarding them. from you.

Indeed, there are days when you are tired of being strong, of carrying everything on your shoulders and you need to cry.

It is important to set limits and that life asks us only for what we can offer.

No one can do more than they have. It is impossible to offer joys and happiness to your loved ones if they don’t respect you and give you the same tenderness and affection in return.

The key is in balance. To succeed in being strong and being able to meet your commitments and goals, it is important to put this into practice.

  • Being strong first and foremost means being good with yourself . Cultivate your personal growth and your hobbies. Love everyone who is by your side and most of all, love yourself.
  • The strongest are those who know how to love and love themselves, and this is not proof of selfishness.
  • Being strong also requires releasing weights that prevent us from moving forward, which harm our well-being and cause suffering.
    We know that sometimes it hurts. But it is necessary to stop giving to all those who ignore us. 

Being  strong allows you to allow yourself to be fragile from time to time.

What do we mean exactly?

  • You have the right to say that “you cannot do that”, that it is beyond you. And that you are not going to be able to take on more responsibilities on top of the ones you already have.
  • You have the right to say that “you can’t take it anymore”, that you need to rest.
  • You have the right to ask for respect, tenderness, affection and recognition. Who needs you must understand that you need them too.

Obviously, you have the right to your moments of personal relief, the right to seek a moment of privacy to walk around and think about yourself, to cry, to listen to your thoughts and accept your emotions, to make decisions and move forward. .

Life is walking on its own vital paths with maximum balance and inner well-being. 

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