The 10 Best Anti-aging Foods

Discover anti-aging foods to have beautiful skin.

A healthy and balanced diet is important for the proper functioning of your body. In addition, you can take care of your face by consuming anti-aging foods.

All the bad habits you can have guarantee premature aging. Whether it is the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or a poor diet, all of these behaviors will necessarily have negative effects on the appearance of your body.

Also, if you want to enjoy your youth for a little longer than average, read this article to know the 10 best anti-aging foods and the best habits to adopt to maintain a beautiful and healthy body.

Antioxidant foods are an important part of the list, as they fight free radicals that damage our cells, thus preventing premature aging of the tissues.

Some examples of anti-aging antioxidant foods

The anti-aging foods we mention below contain a high amount of antioxidants, in addition to having other positive effects on our health as we will also see.

Keep this list in mind in order to maintain a healthy body both inside and out.


garlic among anti-aging foods

Garlic contains two main elements that will work for the good of your health: they are allyl disulfide and allicin.

Additionally, garlic has antioxidant properties, strengthens your immune system, and prevents certain types of cancer.


Broccoli contains a multitude of vitamins and properties, including cleansing and anti-cancer.


Tomatoes will help lower your cholesterol and prevent some infections. That is why they are part of anti-aging foods.

Green tea

Green tea protects the heart and decreases body fat.

Cranberries (cranberry)


Cranberries, or cranberries, have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects.


Among the anti-aging foods are grapes. Indeed, they are diuretic, depurative and prevent the appearance of tumors.

The cherries

Cherries will give you a lot of vitamins. They are also laxatives and prevent several types of cancer.


Kiwis are rich in vitamin C. They will protect your arteries and, therefore, your heart.

Dry vegetables

Pulses are a great source of protein, fiber, essential vitamins and minerals.

cocoa, anti-aging food

Cocoa, the best anti-aging food

Cocoa has a high level of magnesium. It will act on you as a natural mood regulator and improve your focus.

All of these foods help prevent aging and premature cell death. They will directly fight against the elements causing harm to your body, such as free radicals.

In addition to anti-aging foods, you need to have good habits

Do not rely on these foods alone, you must also make personal efforts (sports, diet) to reinforce the benefits of these super foods.

A balanced diet should always be accompanied by exercise and good hydration, this is the only way for  your body to function optimally, absorbing maximum nutrients and eliminating maximum waste.

Also, as you probably already know, consistency and regularity are the two cornerstones of a healthy and beautiful body.

Finally, as the youth of the body is mainly reflected in the appearance of the skin, you should also remember the few tips that will follow to take care of it on a daily basis.

  • Avoid exposing yourself to the sun.  Even if you don’t plan on sunbathing, you should still use sun protection, even if the sky is overcast. Consult your doctor for the appropriate SPF index for your skin type.
  • Get in the habit of moisturizing your skin and never go to bed without removing your makeup.  The creams you use should always match your skin type. To cleanse your face, use a specific soap for that area.

Indeed, “special face” products are formulated to remove impurities without damaging the skin of the face, which is more fragile than the rest of the body. Finally, regular exfoliation of the face and body is necessary at least twice a month.

Other tips …

Gelatin is another anti-aging food solution for keeping skin healthy and fresh. Indeed, gelatin is mainly composed of collagen, consuming it will allow you to keep beautiful skin for longer.

Hair, nails and muscles as well as tendons will also be strengthened by regular consumption of gelatin.

Finally, avoid smoking. In addition to damaging your lungs, cigarettes prevent your skin from getting oxygen properly, causing it to age faster and more markedly than in non-smokers.

You will notice in particular a premature appearance of wrinkles which will also be more visible than in non-smokers.

And there you have it, you know what anti-aging foods are to have beautiful skin!

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