The 3 Best Physical Exercises For Your Health

To stay healthy, it is important to exercise every day! Come and discover our tips for effective exercises!

Our body needs to practice physical activities every day so as not to sink into the monotony that could be harmful to it later. Lack of physical exercise can even negatively influence our psychological state!

This is why we present to you today 3 very simple but important physical exercises to stay in good health.

You should know that the lack of physical activity can lead to several health problems, starting with obesity, heart disease, cholesterol …

However, these dangers can be prevented simply by exercising for 30 minutes a day.

Do physical activity in the company of other people to better stimulate yourself and bring more to this activity

1. Go up and down the stairs

Woman going up the stairs

As surprising as it may seem, many studies have proven the effectiveness of this exercise highly recommended by cardiologists.

Climbing the stairs allows us to have a healthy heart, strengthen our muscles, burn calories and achieve good cardiovascular condition.

For example, going up the stairs for half an hour could burn 342 calories!

Dr. Roy Shephard, of the University of Toronto (Canada), says that you can do your body a lot of good just by climbing 8-inch stairs at a rate of 20 per minute.

This exercise :

  • reduces cholesterol and blood pressure, and thus reduces the risk of suffering from heart disease;
  • improves leg muscle strength and cardiopulmonary resistance;
  • burns calories;
  • strengthens bones;
  • improves circulation and muscle tone.

How to do it ?

You should consult a doctor before doing this physical exercise if you are suffering from heart problems.

  • At home, at the mall, or even at work.
  • Between 20 and 25 minutes every day.
  • Slow down and take a deep breath if you are tired.
  • Stand up straight and control the movement of the legs and feet.
  • If you have a knee prosthesis or an injury to the legs, do these exercises gently… Do not force too much.

2. Cycling

If you have a bike and have a place to go, then this activity is recommended!

Cycling for 30 or 35 minutes every day will benefit your heart and your body in general.

The bike :

  • reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%;
  • prevents back pain and protects the joints, knowing that pedaling stimulates the muscles of the dorsal vertebrae and strengthens the lumbar area (and therefore prevents the appearance of herniated discs) and the knee joints, which also helps protect our cartilages;
  • strengthens our immune system;
  • allows the mobilization of phagocytes, the cells that eat bacteria in the body, so that toxins will be eliminated.

3. Daily walking is part of physical exercise

Woman walking

It is a simple exercise and very beneficial for our health. Walking is undoubtedly the best vitamin for our body!

Walking alone or with someone else every day can be very beneficial for our health. Studies have shown that this exercise helps to free us from stress and anxiety. 

We must therefore practice it every day for a good half an hour. You don’t have to run, you just have to walk quickly.

This activity :

  • strengthens the heart  ;
  • helps to control your weight (if we gradually accelerate our pace, we will be able to increase our muscle mass and burn more fat);
  • prevents dementia and stroke; 
  • prevents  osteoporosis by stimulating and strengthening bones
  • also improves the efficiency of our joints.
  • tones the glutes and abdominals;
  • increases the level of vitamin D  (walk to the light of day brings vitamin D needed for our bones and our immune system);
  • increase energy and improve well-being.

Why not start now?

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