The Legend Of The Red Thread

When our love red thread appears, it marks a before and an after in our life. It will influence the rest of our days and the way we perceive love.

An old oriental legend says that we are all united by the common thread of love in our life.

It does not matter whether he relaxes, tenses up or goes around the planet twenty thousand times.

The legend of the red thread

Two people tied by this red thread will always end up meeting. Even if it must take place just before the end of the world.

This red thread is ruled by Destiny, which is why, whatever happens, it can never be broken.

It doesn’t matter if people are slow to meet, or if they spend a long time next to each other without even seeing each other.

It does not matter that they each live on the opposite sides of the planet. The thread will stretch enough to allow them to meet.

This thread has been with us since our birth, crosses our life with us. He takes every corner we take.

It is said that the Old Man under the Moon goes out every night to meet the newborns. This unites their souls by fixing a red thread on one of their fingers.

It is he who will decide their future and who will guide them through the tumult of life, so that they never get lost and always end up meeting.

The legend

the legend of the red thread

This is what the legend says:

  love and love at first sight


This legend is deeply rooted in Eastern cultures. Thus, millions of people wear a red thread tied around one of their fingers.

The origin of this text is cloudy, since it would come either from China or from Japan.

However, the legend is said to have started shortly after the discovery of the ulnar artery. Indeed, it connects the little finger to the heart, the source of our life and the organ of our body to which we metaphorically lend the power to love.

The common thread can unite us with a mother, a father, a brother, a friend or a romantic love, with the aim that people discover and love each other.

The great loves of our life

“We both have great loves in our life. The one with which we will live our entire lives, potentially the father or the mother of our children. A person with whom it is possible to establish a bond so intense that it will last a lifetime.

And it is said that there is a second love, a person who will always escape us. There is such a strong connection that the forces of chemistry escape reason. They will always prevent this story from having a happy ending.

Until one day we decided to give up, to surrender. And to look for the other person, the one who will make us happy for all life. But not a single day will go by without dreaming of a last kiss, of a last word from this other love so intense.

happy couple

You already know who we are talking about, because as you were reading this caption, a name popped up in your head.

You will free yourself from this person, you will stop suffering, you will come to find peace. But not a day goes by that you don’t want that person there to disturb you.

Because sometimes we spend more energy arguing with someone we love than making love to someone we like. ”

paulo Coelho

Sometimes these two loves coincide and become one. However, other times we experience them separately. This generates certain disappointment in us.


But, these two ways of loving are necessary and indispensable. We must be thankful to life that we have been able to know them.

We cannot impose our personal whims on our common thread.

Our ignorance will not be an obstacle to meet our half. Indeed, the thread will guide our movements and our life so that we can be reunited.

The appearance of the “red thread loves” in our life marks a before and an after, even if we can take time to recognize it.

It will strike all our senses and will forever mark our existence and our conception of love.

Sometimes the opportunities are so great that we can’t stop waiting for them.

We all have this feeling in our hearts that one day we will meet the right person.

Our soul mate, the one who will share our destiny.

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