To Live Is More Than To Exist

We must not forget that our limiting thoughts prevent us from enjoying life. We have to make mistakes to learn and to get out of our comfort zone, in order to find our happiness.

To live is much more than to exist. We all know it, but sometimes we tend to forget it.

Between the moment of our birth, and the moment of our departure for another world, there is a wonderful stage called “life”, which must be experienced as much as possible, until you lose your breath.

We all know it is not easy to bring out the positive in our existence.

The various obligations, work and, on some occasions, the complex personal relationships that we have with others, erode the zest for life that we should all enjoy.

But if we realize fully that just being there, being there, here and now in this world, is an exceptional gift, we can begin to prioritize what is really important.

In this article, we invite you to reflect on this subject.

The 4 keys to understanding that living is much more than existing

Live everyday.

Don’t live other people’s lives

We are all part of at least three social circles:

  • A family of origin, which consists of parents and brothers, or sisters, as well as other “blood” relatives.
  • A built family, in which we find our romantic partners, our children and our friends, whom we often designate as full members of our “family”.
  • A professional universe, in which our co-workers, our bosses and our customers find themselves.

These three daily social circles partly determine who we are, how we see ourselves, and how we perceive others.

If these contexts are harmonious and enriching, our existence will become quite pleasant.

This will allow us to feel valued, loved and useful to society, as well as to those we care about.

However, if within these social circles arises conflicts, pressures, fears and tensions, we will become prisoners of a world of pain.

We are going to be the slaves of negative emotions that will prevent us from existing as we want to.

If this is the case with you, then you need to prioritize, sever certain ties, and draw boundaries, as your inner peace and well-being are non-negotiable.

Learn to enjoy the here and now, what’s going on in your world

To discover the simple pleasure of existing and to appreciate your belonging to the world and all that surrounds you, you must take the following steps:

  • Calm the noise of your thoughts. Believe it or not, all human beings are constantly occupied with thoughts that, far from being productive, are leftovers of fears and concerns.
  • Look for moments for yourself, and moments of solitude. Give yourself the opportunity to be alone with yourself.
  • Appreciate everything around you at its true value, for the beauty of life is nestled in the most basic things.

Live your life.

Be grateful for what you have and for what you are

You may have already wondered, “ How can I be grateful for what I have, if I am not happy? .

  • We all need to understand that while we don’t have everything we deeply desire, we all have the capacity to make a difference.
    Your strength is in your willpower, in your optimism, and in your ability to get excited again.
  • Be grateful for the simple fact of existing, of feeling the warmth of sunlight. And see the smiles of those you truly love.
    Be grateful for being a courageous person, who has overcome many trials and who knows that there is still great things to do.
  • Live in the moment and be grateful for what you perceive, here and now. If all you have is tears in your eyes and aches in your heart, tell yourself that nothing in life is permanent.
  • You will have a little less pain tomorrow, and life will bring you better things in the future. If you maintain a receptive attitude.

Don’t imagine, don’t hope, don’t complain: step out of your comfort zone to live your life!

Dreaming is not bad, quite the contrary. It brings us passion, and hopes that we want to see come true.

However, if we spend all of our days dreaming and hoping, life will slip through our fingers.

We need to get out of our comfort zone and take risks. Because to live is much more than to exist. In reality, life is made up of several fundamental aspects:

  • To live is to be wrong, and to try again.
  • It’s about setting goals, and sometimes achieving them.
  • It is to allow oneself second, even third chances.
  • To live is to know how to say no, and to risk saying yes without knowing what can happen.
  • It’s always wanting more.
  • To live is to enjoy the calm and to envelop ourselves in a bubble of joy.

Apply these very simple tips in your daily life. And don’t forget that sometimes finding happiness and some inner peace is much easier than we think.

It takes consistency, a healthy dose of daily illusion and a foundation of self-esteem. Never forget it!

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