What Do We Usually Regret Before We Die?

Before you die, there is no point in regretting not having done what you wanted, and this can only be avoided if you think about it while you are alive.

Having regrets before dying is something that many people who are near death feel. A feeling of emptiness, the desire to go back in order to be able to enjoy more of the time spent.

However, it turns out that it is only when we are near death that we realize the value of life. Even so, it’s not worth the wait to get to such a situation.

We can avoid having regrets before we die.

Having regrets before dying is no use

Having regrets before dying is a waste of time. However, to make it clear, we’re going to talk about the things we usually regret the most.

Writing them down on a piece of paper so as not to forget them will prevent us from living on autopilot without paying attention to things that we might regret in the future.

Let’s find out.

1. I didn’t have the life I wanted

This is one of the most common regrets, which stems from insecurity in making decisions and choosing to live the life you want.

Because of looking for outside approval, because of “beware, it’s dangerous” , “it’s not worth spending so much money on that” , “are you sure this idea is okay? work? ” , many insecurities spring up, which make us take steps backwards.

In addition, how many people have completed the studies their parents expected? How many worked in the field where there were the most opportunities? However, they weren’t happy either.

Fear of the outside gaze

We place too much emphasis on what others think of us and so we miss opportunities to live life the way we dream it.

2. I have worked too much

Another of the things people regret the most is having lived to work instead of working so that they can live.

Work can quickly become a priority in the lives of many people, leaving behind family and friends.

Over time, they realize that they have not seen their children grow up, that their relationship has faded due to the large amount of time spent apart and that, since they have not taken care of of their friendships, they no longer have friends.

Personal relationships are very precious for all human beings. They must therefore be given priority. Work is important, but building strong relationships is even more so.

3. I should have done more splurge

Look back and find out how many follies have crossed our minds that we haven’t done out of fear, insecurity, or because we were giving ourselves false excuses to limit ourselves sketch on our mouth a bitter grimace.

We wanted to bungee jumping at the time? Why didn’t we take our rucksack to travel the world alone as we wanted?

Any unfulfilled desires will be grounds for regret when we are on our deathbed.

regrets before dying

Insanity is nothing more than daring to step out of our comfort zone. This area so comfortable and safe, but which at the same time limits us so much.

We only live once, so why not do it intensely?

4. If only I had expressed my feelings

From childhood, we are taught to repress what we feel. Do not cry in public, do not raise your voice too much, stay calm …

All this means that when the time comes, we are no longer able to give free rein to our emotions in the privacy of our own home.

It is important to learn to express what we feel, to understand our emotions and also to know how to manage them in an appropriate way.

“Why didn’t I tell him that I love him?”, “If only I had shed all those tears that would have set me free”… Let’s not wait for the end to come to see this all through.

Now that you know what we usually regret before we die, it’s time to change the way you live.

Only then will you be able to close your eyes tomorrow with a smile on your face, satisfied with the way you have lived all these years.

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