You Have To Forget The Pain And Start Over

Don’t get caught up in a vicious cycle of sad and negative thoughts. This will prevent you from moving forward and will negatively affect your health. Make sure you have a positive attitude. With time, everything ends up passing. 

Emotions related to pain are a part of life. Some experiences overwhelm us and sometimes prevent us from moving forward. We must then forget the pain in order to move forward. These emotions are basically fear and sadness.

An emotion is a psychophysiological reaction to an event. Emotions define us: every day we experience different emotions.

Pain causes physiological, cognitive and behavioral changes which can in turn cause anxiety and even depression.

A person who remains locked in his pain is in the dark. Everything around her will seem sad to her and she will then live in nostalgia.

As is the case with all emotions, it is essential to accept the pain, to live it, to accept it in the moment. Without this phase of acceptance, the pain will be a source of emotional instability and may lead to depression.

There are tools for overcoming pain. Emotional intelligence is one of those tools. This tool consists of controlling fundamental physiological functions, such as the perception of our physiological states through a set of emotional skills.

These skills are as follows:

  • perceive, value and express emotions accurately
  • generate feelings that facilitate thinking
  • understanding emotions and emotional knowledge
  • regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth

If you take control of your emotions, you will be able to let go of the pain that is keeping you from moving forward.

If you are going through a difficult experience right now that is saddening you, this article is for you. Find out here how to let go of the pain and move on.

Observe the pain and live it 

overcome the pain

A given situation can lead to different reactions. The emotions will determine your actions.

If you are in pain, the first thing to do after you find the cause of the pain is to allow yourself to feel the pain. Accept your emotions.

We tend to suppress our emotions : we avoid crying, yelling and expressing our feelings for fear of being judged. However, fleeing and repressing your emotions is bad for your health.

In addition, the feeling of guilt is a factor that locks us in our pain. Don’t judge yourself. We don’t have control over some external situations, and no one is perfect. Life is lifelong learning. 

Forget the pain and seek support from your social circle 

Don’t be victimized and forget your pain. The urge to get out of it will be your greatest weapon. We all go through difficult times that make us sad and scare us.

When faced with pain, your first instinct will probably be to think that you are alone, that the whole world is turning its back on you. But you will never be alone. Your family and friends are an important support. They can help you through this step.

By sharing moments with your loved ones, you will momentarily forget what is bothering you and live in the moment. What’s more, you can let go of your negative emotions by bringing up the topic.

However, don’t push it too hard. Also think about the person in front of you. You may not know what she is going through, what she is feeling.

Change your mind by participating in recreational activities

Recreational activities help overcome pain

Going out, playing sports, traveling, or doing something you like will help you forget about the pain. Keeping your mind busy helps to overcome sadness, to move on.

Identify the activities that make you feel good, and practice them leaving your fears aside. Your well-being is entirely up to you. Enjoy the little pleasures of life.

Make a new life plan 

Forgetting the pain is a personal decision. Only you can decide to overcome the pain and be courageous in facing the situation and accepting it.

Now is the perfect time to redefine your goals and to set up a new life plan. Be resilient.

Remember… Crushing and locking ourselves in pain affects our mental and physical health : a depressive state can turn into a psychological illness, which can affect physical health if we suppress our emotions (somatization).

Overcome the pain! Life is good no matter what. Decide to be happy.

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